

Page index:
Management system construction and development
Audits, management review and management system assesments
Company and project HSEQ support services
Project and product readiness and quality assurance agent
Finance management services
Research and development

Management system construction and development

We build and repair management systems.
Especially ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO45001

Help for conversion to new ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018
New management systems
Development of old management systems
Corrections and corrective actions to procedures
Process development
Customer satisfacton

In development we use wide range of tools:

Statistical calculations
Risk assesments
Safety walks and reviews

Audits, management review and management system assesments

We carry assesments and audits professionally and we assist in the implementation of the standard reguirements.

Internal audits
Supplier and contractor audits and assesments
Project readyness, pre delivery assesements
Management review
Management system assesment

Company and project HSEQ support services

Do you need quality, safety or environment manager support for your company, or do you have bigger project where you need extra hands.
Our special expertice is quality plans, quality systems, audit and authotity inspection preparations, environment permissions and other company's quality, safety and envinonment questions and also application of standard and legislation demands in practice. Process development, bidding, work planning, implementation of project or end documention - We can help with these.

Project and product readiness and quality assurance as a agent

Project or product technical and financial readiness assessment, documentation and reporting to customer. Assessment, documentation and reporting of fullfillment of production criteria as a external third party quality assurance agent.


The context, wideness, duration and type of training is planned with customer. Training place can be customers own premises or training centers, cabins or mansions available. Session can be organized under some theme like excursion, development, well-being or work health day with evenig programm. Training days can include company visits, construction sites or nature sites. The Training can include example these topics by shallow or deeply :

Work safety
Corporate safety
Environment safety
Quality the company's success
View of Customer and customer satisfaction
Specialists in works and how to manage specialists
Process development
Process measurement and KPI's
Risk management
Ecosystem services
Mobile tools
How to identify the demands of stakeholders
Counstructon business in Finland
Construction legislation and procedures
Facilitating of the Customers own subjects

Finance management services

Do you need finance management development and consultant services to give boost for your export business or support the profitable growth of business. Financial services are handled by extremely experienced corporate finance specialist .

Finance mananagemens rent services and consultation
Financial funding and bidding arrangements
Development projects of profitability and cashflow
Corporate healty check -analysis
Corporate covernance development for growing corporation Hyvän hallintomallin kehitys kasvavalle yritykselle
ERP- and ICT-project management
Training for export companies: Agent and dealer contract risk and opportunities.

Ask more by email or call

Research and development

We do small scale researchwork and plan new things:

Device- and software development
Innovation and creative thinking
Problem solving

Work competence card trainings


Our training center pages (In Finnish)
If you need Competence card training days in English or other language please take contact by email.

Offer request

Please ask offers about our services by email, call first so we can find best solution for your needs.